Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yogi Adityanath is the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath, also the Mahant (chief priest) of the Gorakhnath Math, Gorakhpur, has been sitting at the helm of state affairs since 2017 when the saffron party stormed to power with a brute majority, dethroning then ruling Samajwadi Party. In this election, the BJP has fielded him from the Gorakhpur Sadar seat. He is running for MLA for the first time. Adityanath was sworn in as the Chief Minister of the country's most populous state on March 19 in 2017. He was then a member of Lok Sabha, representing the Gorakhpur constituency. He won from Gorakhpur constituency in every Lok Sabha election held since 1998 before being given the responsibility to lead a state where politics mostly revolved around caste and religion for decades. Under Adityanath's rule, Uttar Pradesh saw a massive infrastructure development push, a boost in economic activities and improvement in the law-and-order situation. Known for his outspoken attitude, Adityanath has been a prominent campaigner for the BJP in elections. The BJP is banking on the development works undertaken by the Adityanath government and the leader's charisma in the run-up to the high-stakes assembly polls in 2022. Adityanath in his rallies has been pitching for another term to the saffron party, highlighting that the BJP government has worked towards making UP bhrashtachar mukt, bhaya mukt, danga mukt, gaddha mukt aur andhkaar mukt (free of corruption, fear, riots, potholes and darkness) in the last five years.
Read MoreThe proposal to rename the historic city of Allahabad as Prayagraj was approved by the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet on Tuesday.
Lok Sabha elections 2019: On November 17, in all parliamentary areas, motorcycle rallies would be taken out, he told party members.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during his visit to Allahabad on Saturday had announced that there was a proposal to rename the city as Prayagraj ahead of the 2019 Kumbh Mela.
The Lucknow Police arrested a Muslim man after he decided to offer namaz on a busy road outside the secretariat office.
The official bungalow at 6, Lal Bahadur Shastri Road of BSP supremo Mayawati in Lucknow has been allotted to Samajwadi Secular Morcha president Shivpal Yadav
Earlier too, reportedly, the state government had given Rs 500 crore to three big akhadas of Allahabad.
With an eye on the saffron vote bank, BJP is expected to use Adityanath during campaigns in Rajasthan's Sikar, Alwar, Churu and Jaipur.
Swami Paripoornananda was externed in July from the Hyderabad for six months for allegedly making provocative statements.
I was contacted by some north Indians living in Gujarat and I told them not to pay heed to any rumours, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh said.
She had on Tuesday refused to take cash award at a programme in presence of Governor Ram Naik and CM Adityanath, saying that she wanted the job.
Family members of Apple executive Vivek Tiwari, who was allegedly shot dead by a police constable, met Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday and demanded strict action against the guilty.
Vivek Tiwari was shot by a UP cop early on Saturday morning after he allegedly refused to stop his car
"Twelve police personnel have been dismissed and 200 have been put under investigation for alleged anomalies," the DGP said.
Going by Apple executive Vivek Tiwari's colleague Sana Khan who was travelling with him, police registered an FIR on the basis of which two constables were also arrested.
Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath said that a CBI probe will be ordered into the incident if need be.
Lok Sabha elections 2019: He also cautioned that some people are trying to create an atmosphere of instability in the country and people must stay strong.
The Chief Minister said that the coverage of the cleanliness in Uttar Pradesh was only 23 per cent.
Under the agreement of introducing new air-routes, discounts would be provided to SC/ST travellers and others as per provisions of the state government, the CM underlined.
“There is a character in history who kept his father in jail. This is the reason why no Muslim names his son Aurangzeb,” Adityanath said.
He claimed the sudden spurt in the caste-based conventions by the BJP, especially by deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya, indicated an imminent change of guard in the state.
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